The Family Church


Inspiring people to follow Jesus.

We want to create and bring people into environments that reflect God’s heart toward our community.


A place where people are:

Passionate for GOD

  • Passionate for his Word
  • Hungering for His presence
  • Obedient to the teachings of Jesus

Committed to loving one another deeply

  • Transcending age, style, culture, ethnicity, politics, and social ideologies.
  • Valuing Christ-centered relationships over individual ‘rights’ and promoting a ‘we over ‘me’ culture.
  • Patiently earning the privilege to speak into another’s life by building vibrant relationships first.

Desiring to serve our greater community

  • Striving to be a bridge of reconciliation between GOD and our city, and between the cultures within our city.
  • Acknowledging the reality that no one cares what we believe; they care about what we do and how we behave until we have proven by our actions that we care about them.
  • Desiring the metro Gainesville area to be better off because we are in it.


"To become a community that reflects the image and likeness of Jesus to our city and beyond."


Meet Our Team

Sean Taylor

Lead Pastor

Patrick Bizub

Director of Operations

Amber Livingston

Connections Director

Steve Adams

Worship Pastor

Dustin Gay

Next Gen Pastor

Tiffany Gay

Kids Pastor

Amy Burke

Finance Manager

Seth Thomas

Worship Coordinator/ Next Gen Worship Leader

Hector Fontanez

Facilities Director


Statement of Faith

The following are the core beliefs of The Family Church based on the foundational truths taught in the Bible.

We believe there is one Almighty God, who is sovereign, infinite and perfect in power, wisdom, justice, goodness and love. He is the Creator of the world; He eternally exists in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus is not just the way.; He is our way. Before all things and in all things we value Jesus as Lord of heaven and earth; and as the image of the invisible GOD. We worship GOD by imitating the life, teachings and ministry of Jesus. He is our model, mentor, hero, mediator, savior, judge, king and ruler of all.
We believe the Holy Spirit reveals and glorifies Jesus Christ. He convicts people of their sins, draws them to God and imparts unto them new life. He indwells believers and seals them until the day of redemption. He gives them spiritual gifts for ministry and empowers them to live a life pleasing to God.
We trust the authority, reliability and truth of all Scripture. In humility, we acknowledge we do not fully understand God and the world he made. For that reason we rely on the Bible to be the rule of our faith, teaching us what we do not know, challenging and leading us away from our misconceptions, self deceptions, and convenient ideas about life and God. We don’t choose the parts of the bible we prefer or want to believe, obey or understand; instead we submit to all of Scripture believing it reveals the truth that is beyond us. We believe that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh and for that reason we don’t just obey Scripture, we love it. Because, like a mirror it shows us who we really are, and like a window it opens our lives to the beauty, wonder, and love of the God we long to know.
We believe God created Adam (Humanity) innocent and in His own image. Man chose to sin by disobeying God and was therefore separated from his Creator. Since then, all human beings are born into sin, unable to save themselves, and in need of the eternal salvation that only God, through Jesus Christ, can bestow upon them.
the church
We believe firmly that all followers of Jesus make up the church, not buildings or budgets, or even leaders. When these disciples move together in sincere worship and genuine community to accomplish their part in God’s mission, they are the Church.
We affirm Life Groups as the most basic expression of the Church and therefore, our practice is simple. When small groups of Jesus followers work together in sincere worship, and genuine community to reflect the image of Christ and accomplish their part in the mission of God, they are the church. We believe that Life Groups also need the larger network, leadership and resources of a community-wide church to strengthen, empower and help direct their expression. For this reason we gather in the larger context for worship, training, and as leadership primarily to strengthen and supply the Life Groups in their work to obey Jesus and proclaim the good news of the Kingdom to their various mission fields. We believe the larger church expression exists to serve the smaller and not the other way around.
Similarly, we affirm that every ethnicity, while imperfect, reflects the mosaic of God’s own image and together we better glorify and serve the God of creation. We value those of every ethnicity in our city and in the world. We believe that the church of Jesus Christ was meant to demonstrate the power of the gospel through reconciliation, unity, and the beauty of a multi-ethnic community. For that reason we do not just admire multi-ethnic communities, but commit to become one. We do not believe in being color blind. Rather, we strive to accept and include the beauty and wisdom of every ethnicity in our city and in our communities as, together, we seek to become the church God has in mind.
Because we value community and simplicity, we commit ourselves to both sharing and giving. We share because it promotes healthy relationships and breaks the bondage of possessiveness. In sharing what we have with others we confess that God is the true owner and that we are only stewards in his vineyard. We also give because in giving we destroy the grip of materialism over our hearts by releasing the resources, wealth, and/or possessions completely into the control of another – GOD. For that reason we pursue relentless generosity. For this reason we encourage our people to give as often and as generously as they can, and to consider themselves stewards of the rest. Likewise, the collective finances of the church and its ministries must set an example in this regard.
We commit to pursue humility as one of our chief virtues. We expect it in leadership, in community and relationships, in our theology, and in the contextualization of our mission, in our prayers, and in our appraisal of ourselves and others. We are convinced that humility is necessary for following Jesus as an individual and as an organization. As individuals we hope for humility in all our relationships and leadership roles. As an organization we hope to be a flexible learning body, looking always to refine our commitments and expand our understanding and revelation of God and His call upon us. We believe in the living prophetic word of God, that it must be heard and obeyed, yet we also believe that we are flawed listeners and should always listen and follow with humility.