
We live generously and give cheerfully.

Why We Give

We give because God is an extravagant giver.

In giving we reflect that truth back to him. It also allows us to continue to tangibly love and serve our community and share the life-changing message of life in Jesus with them. We also give as our act of worship to God because we believe He deserves the first and the best of our treasure along with our time and our talents. We give joyfully because God loves a cheerful giver.
Ways to Give

Multiple Ways to Give Safely and Securely


Using our safe, secure online giving platform, you can feel safe about your gift.

Give Now

Via App

Download the Church Center app and connect will all things TFC.



To give via text for the first time, text your and amount to 77977. Text giving uses industry-leading security to protect your personal information and is never charged to your phone bill.

By Mail

The Family Church
2022 SW 122nd St, Bldg A
Gainesville, FL 32607